What our patients say about us.......

Bella July 2024

Adriana March 2024

Ebenezer Barnes Nov 2023

Thank you Clare & Scott.  We hope mother and baby are doing well. Your "Thank You" note is much appreciated. Dr. Phoebe is so pleased that she was able to help you & Scott become proud parents.


Do keep in touch and let us know how you are all getting on. 


                                                                                                                                                                   Clare & Scott Nov 2023  

                                         Hannah Sept 2023

"Thank you for believing in the science of acupuncture and thank you for allowing me to treat you. I was thrilled to hear of the birth of your very healthy 10lb baby boy! Congratulations and all the best. 

Dr. Phoebe Sept 2023

We want to wish our long-standing patient "Bon Voyage". Poppy has been cared for by Dr. Phoebe at AcuSpa. For 2 years, Poppy has been an AcuSpa patient for wellbeing acupuncture therapy.  She wholeheartedly trusts Dr. Phoebe and her technical skills.  


“Poppy, we hope that your time away from this great city will allow you to focus on your new life priorities and hope for your safe return to Manchester soon. Good luck and look after yourself”.  


Dr. Phoebe and Team AcuSpa.


July 2023

"To be honest, it's AMAZING...." 


We asked our patient, Jessie, to share her acupuncture experience in a short 60 second video. She was so taken aback by acupuncture that she had forgotten the time limit!! Take a look at what she said (and didn’t say!!!) in the short video on our Twitter page:




Jessie followed up the short video by sharing with our AcuSpa friends that she suffered from long term neck pain causing her to have sleepless nights and a restricted range of movement in her neck. She presented with long term mood and anxiety issues coupled with headaches as a by-product of poor sleep.


After her 1st acupuncture session, she slept right through the night and hadn't experienced good quality sleep for some time. After her 2nd session, her headaches disappeared and her movement range improved to a point where she felt less tension in her neck.


Don't suffer indefinitely. Call us. We can help. Jessie is living proof of it!!!


June 2023

It's a done deal!!!  She did it!! The day was certainly picture perfect for our patient; Kathryn.  She looks so radiant & confident. Kathryn has conquered her stomach bloating concerns thanks to Dr Phoebe's targeted acupuncture technique. Kathryn has been "bloating free" since her last visit to AcuSpa. 


"My stomach hasn't been bloated since I had acupuncture so I'm very happy!" 


Kathryn June 2023 


Acupuncture can prepare your mind & body to help you face those important life events.  May Kathryn be forever happy. See you in clinic soon Kathryn.


Love Dr. Phoebe & Team AcuSpa x.

Meet Kathryn. Kathryn came to see Dr. Phoebe in clinic to be treated for various symptoms caused by wedding planning anxiety. Physical symptoms included neck and back tension, bloating of the stomach coupled with mental symptoms that included feeling overwhelmed, tiredness and fatigue.


After one single acupuncture session, Dr. Phoebe was able to reduce Kathryn's mental tension. Kathryn left her first session feeling relaxed with her anxiety levels feeling well controlled.


After her second session, Kathryn felt less fatigued and her sleep quality improved. The neck tension on the right side reduced significantly (though some issues are still apparent). Overall, Kathryn feels much better with no documented experiences of bad bloating which was one of her main concerns. 

Every bride wants a picture-perfect wedding. Whilst Kathryn continues preparing for her big day and juggling her wedding planning with her busy career schedule, we wish Kathryn the best of luck on her special day. Follow us on Facebook to see Kathryn shine on her wedding day.


May 2023

Here's another recent video we would like to share with you. This patient shares how effective our acupuncture treatments have been in providing him with stress and pain relief. Please watch the video below for more information.

Please take a moment and watch this video. This gentleman has regular acupuncture treatments at AcuSpa for diabetes, as well as severe pain (caused by an accident 50 years ago). Acupuncture has helped him with pain relief and improved his organ functions.

I am delighted with the improvement in many of my symptoms after only two sessions with Phoebe. She is a marvel. 

Following womb cancer, a hysterectomy and the after effects of radiotherapy, I was badly affected by a number of ailments and conditions along with some pre-existing problems. Now, my head pains have almost completely disappeared, waterworks have gone from zero control to 50% control, constipation has reduced by 90%, I have a lot less left ankle pain and it is much stronger, the pains in my hands have improved by about 60% and the swelling & soreness in my legs has been greatly improved. It has been a big surprise at how much better I have become after only two sessions. I am looking forward to further treatments and am very grateful for the fantastic care, treatment and results I have had.

                                                                                   Mary (Age 79)


My C-Section Scar is 34 months old, it is very dark in colour and very tight. Even though it is a scar that celebrates child birth and is very common to be in that state, the scar itself did causes a few problems:

• The scar is tighter than the skin around it, it pulls towards the back and indented. It made my stomach fat hang off the scar and not very desirable looking even after losing weight. 
• The tightness of the scar made the pubic hairs around the scar dug into the skin, it made me felt constantly itchy. It also made it difficult to laser, wax and tweeze it off because I wanted to get the itch to go away.
• The indented scar with dark purplish red colour is an indication of adhesions. This causes tension to the back and also pain during intercourse.

Dr Phoebe had noticed my C-Section scar during a course of acupuncture session for my back pain and told me the scar contributed to my existing back problem. She proceeded to use acupuncture treatment on my scar which I had never thought can be done. To my surprised I can feel the tightness released around the scar area and instantly the outer sides of the scar felt smooth immediately. Over the course of the next few sessions the colour of the scar has visibly gone lighter, the tightness of the middle section of the scar has loosen up and the back pain is recovering as expected.

Dr Phoebe has continued to amaze me with her accurate diagnose and incredible skills and she takes time and effort to treat her patients. I’ve full confidence that once my treatments are over the most stubborn part of the scar will be smooth and the redness will have disappeared.

My c-section scar after the 1st treatment 

My scar is lighter and less tight after the 3rd treatment 








Olivia Ngai


Very happy with the treatment.  It was relaxing but has left me feeling more energised


Paul Gardiner

Session of Tui Na Techniques with Dr. Li


Amazing treatment.  Would highly recommend. All the things she said made sense and related to the problems that I had.


Beverley Hatton

Session of acupuncture with Dr. Phoebe


I had injured myself due to sport.  I had been told that I would have to stop for some time.  Upon coming for treatment at AcuSpa my injury feels alot better.  And the environment was great. 

Helio Capela

Session of Tui Na Techiniques with Dr. Li


Consultant was very professional.  Massage was great and relieved all the tension in my body.  Would definately recommend.

Julie Fung

Session of Deep Tissue Massage with Surya


IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine (colon). IBS commonly causes cramping, abdominal pains, bloating, gas, diarrhoea and constipation. Rabab has suffered IBS for 5 years and came to AcuSpa for help with her underlying symptoms. Our patient, Rabab gives a positive progress report having had 2 sessions of acupuncture and moxibustion with Dr Phoebe. 


"I have had IBS for 5 years and I have tried everything to cure my problem. ( E.G. Probiotics, herbal remedies and western medicine). Nothing ever worked until I came to Dr Phoebe for help. After only 2 sessions of acupuncture I feel so much better. Dr Phoebe is amazing and she will make it help life's mission to heal you. Thank you for supporting me!"


         Rabab Shah


In August I was told by a GP I have a carpal tunnel in both hands and recommended to go to surgery when I feel I need it. My hands got worse and I decided to try acupuncture. It was the best decision. Already after two sessions I felt relieved and could sleep better without tingling in my fingers. Doctor Phoebe is really helping me. Everybody is professional and very friendly. I can recommend 100 %!

Jana Hatasova


Dr Phoebe is fantastic. I absolutely love my acupuncture and cupping sessions with her - they've helped me feel so much more healthy & relaxed! I just wish I’d found you sooner and I can't recommend her enough xx


Lilli SC

Went to this spa yesterday before returning to Dublin and had an amazing experience. I chose the Acupressure back massage as I have had this many times before. How I wish I lived next door and I would come in all the time. Sophia skillfully massaged away all my aches and pains, leaving me relaxed and care free. My niggling arm pain is gone. This reminded me of the true benefits of Chinese massage to relieve pain. Well worth a visit for healing and Sofia will focus on the areas of discomfort. 
Thank you Dr Phoebe for the tea and chat afterwards as well as an interesting insight to Chinese culture. 
The staffs here are very pleasant welcoming, extremely professional and patient oriented. The focus is on identifying your ailment and proving a solution through acupressure massage. Thank you for a great experience at a reasonable price!
I would definitely recommend!!

Lor Mc Dermott

I'm suffering from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. This is genetic insufficiency of connective tissue, caused by wrong collagen synthesis. It is a progressive disease for which there is no cure and which affects the whole my body. It's very frustrating and sad as the next and the next specialist throws up his hands and says: "we are very sorry, but there's nothing we can do for you". Only Dr. Phoebe says - “I’ll do my best to help you".
I'll never be healthy, but thanks to the efforts of Dr. Phoebe quality of my life improved significantly. Acupuncture and other treatments in AcuSpa including herbal medicine, improved my digestive problems; mitigated all sorts of aches and pains, which sometimes preventing movement or perform daily activities; my oversensitivity to cold. I can even still a little dance! Now we are working on improving the quality of sleep. After two sessions I already feel the improvement.
I would recommend AcuSpa and Dr. Phoebe. She is an excellent, dedicated specialist, careful, patient, empathic and very nice. I do not know what I'd do without her!
Thank You!


Emilia Anna


I've struggled with upper back problems for over 5 years now, getting physio once a month, tried a chiropractor, everything. I'm absolutely blown away by the difference in my pain and movement range after only 2 acupuncture sessions. The team are professional and incredibly friendly - I am disappointed it has taken me so long to try it. Thank you! Xx





Emma Ackroyd


Absolutely amazing!!I have been going here for ages for hot stone massages, foot massages, acupuncture on full body and facials. Love Dr Phoebe

Sana-Sarah Sheikh


Been having acupuncture at AcuSpa Manchester for the past 4 weeks for the osteoarthritis in my left hip. I have to tell you the result is amazing.  If you have never tried it for whatever reason then you must!!!!!  You will be out dancing all weekend!

Peter Hurst


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