What to Expect From Your First Acupuncture Session

On Arrival


You will be greeted by one of our friendly team members. 


As part of our COVID-19 safety procedure, all patients will have their temperatures taken on arrival.

You will be shown to our waiting area where you will be given a standard health questionnaire to read and complete.  




You will be met by our Lead Clinician, Phoebe Yang. Phoebe will go through your completed questionnaire and assess your health history. She will ask specific questions about your current symptoms. She may assess your pulse rhythm and or undertake other assessments using traditional Chinese medicine techniques. 




Based on the findings from the initial consultation,  Phoebe will recommend a treatment plan that best addresses your symptoms and health goals. The treatment plan can include a combination of either acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping depending on your diagnosis.  For more details on each of the treatments, please scroll down. 




Our clinicians advise that you should eat something at least one hour before attending your acupuncture treatment.  We advise against treatment on a empty stomach. 


Ladies, we advise against administering acupuncture when you are menstruating.  Please ensure that you avoid booking an acupuncture session whilst you are menstruating. 




As part of your treatment plan, regular assessments will be undertaken by Phoebe. This is to ensure that the treatment plan is aligned to the treatment goals and reviews maybe made to the plan to accelerate your overall well-being . At AcuSpa, we aim to offer the highest personal care to all our patients.


Reaching Your Goal


At AcuSpa, we offer both corrective and preventative care plans.  We can devise regular preventative care plans  to ensure that you maintain your health goals.


Choosing from the many options available for boosting overall health and well-being demands professional expertise, and AcuSpa are established specialists in the field. 

Our Medical services at a glance

Learn more about our extensive range of Traditional Chinese Medicine Services

In modern Western Medicine, the body is made up of a series of complex systems...digestive system, central nervous system etc.... The theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) adds another dimension to the body.  This additional dimension is known as channels where a vital energy known as ‘Qi’, (pronounced chee) runs throughout the body, interconnecting with tissue and organs.


The Qi flows through channels known as ‘meridians’, each one corresponding to a different organ. For the body and mind to be in healthy working order, Qi must be allowed to flow freely and sufficiently through the body. When the flow of Qi is impaired or is insufficient, illness occurs. The flow of the meridians can be impaired by physical trauma, poor diet and pent up feelings and emotions.

What is Acupuncture?


Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into specific points along the meridians. These points each have specific actions along the channel and with corresponding organs. Acupuncture needles are inserted to manipulate the flow of Qi, by unblocking and moving; or by redirecting the Qi to where it is needed most. Once the correct flow has been restored, the body can again function as it should.


Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture's effects on the various systems of the body including the nervous system, endorine system, immune system, cardiovascular system and the digestive system.



Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture has been proved, through controlled clinical trials, to be an effective treatment as published by the World Health Organisation:


Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy

Allergic rhinitis (including hay fever)

Biliary colic

Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression

following stroke)

Dysentery, acute bacillary

Dysmenorrhoea, primary

Epigastralgia, acute (in peptic ulcer, acute and chronic

gastritis, and gastrospasm)

Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)


Hypertension, essential

Hypotension, primary

Induction of labour

Knee pain


Low back pain

Malposition of fetus, correction of

Morning sickness

Nausea and vomiting

Neck pain

Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction)

Periarthritis of shoulder

Postoperative pain

Renal colic

Rheumatoid arthritis




Tennis elbow



What is Moxibustion?


Moxibustion is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort leaves (Artemisia vulgaris); a herb to facilitate healing. The purpose of moxibustion, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of energy (called qi) and maintain general health.



What is Scraping?


Skin Scraping is based on the skin theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Like all TCM treatments, it is a non-invasive and a natural treatment. The theory states that by scraping the surface of the skin along the meridians promotes positive stimulation and improves your circulation. This can help dredge the stasis points and improve the circulation so the possibility for disease dropped and immune function are enhanced.


This ancient Chinese healing technique may offer a unique approach to better health and can address issues like chronic pain. Scraping is intended to address stagnant energy, called Qi, in the body that may be responsible for inflammation. Inflammation is the underlying cause of several conditions associated with chronic pain. Scraping the skin’s surface is thought to help break up this energy, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Watch Video

Medical Massages


Our massages draw upon thousands of years of techniques to aid well being. One of the most practised medical massages in China is the Chinese Meridian Tui Na Massage


What is Tui Na?


Tui Na (which literally means push and grab) incorporates the TCM theory that injury or disease causes blockages in the channels of the body.  Blockages cause pain.


There are an array of techniques used, such as kneading, chopping, hacking, perpendicular pressure and rolling fist which the clinician will use to remove tension/spasm in the muscles and blockages of “Chi” in the channels.


Tui Na embraces two aspects: firstly, just like modern western massages, it works the muscles helping them to relax, removing stagnation and allowing the blood to flow more freely throughout the area giving the muscles the optimum chance of repairing itself.  Secondly, because of its Chinese origins, it works with restoring the balance of “Chi”.  Tui Na presses on certain acupressure points in the body’s meridian system to stimulate the body’s own healing process.



Cupping is a therapy used in traditional Chinese medicine to remove stagnation and stimulate the flow of qi (chi). Qi is the free flow of vital energy circulating through the body and the world around us, if the qi is disrupted or disturbed, it can create stagnation (blockages) or imbalances in the body.


What is cupping ?


A therapeutic cupping treatment involves placing cups, usually made of glass, on the skin. By warming the air within the cup, a vacuum is created, and when it is applied to the skin, the tissue is drawn up into the cup. This increases the blood flow, loosens the fascia or connective tissue, and is thought to stimulate healing. 


Your Well Being is Our Business

Need an individual consultation?

Simply call us on 0161 711 0456 or email us at info@acuspa.co.uk

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